We are proud to announce that Vaucher Manufacture Fleurier is now listed in the Swiss Triple Impact (STI) Directory
The STI Directory lists Swiss companies that have made credible commitments to participation in the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Becoming STI Directory Leaders impels us to take concrete measures for a sustainable future !
Interview of Jean-Noël Lefèvre, CEO de Vaucher Manufacture Fleurier
What commitment are you most proud of, and why?
We are proud of each of the 4 commitments we have made: they are interdependent and complementary.
With the STI program, we engage in a virtuous circle. In doing so, we place value on the actions already undertaken, and engage in a suitable approach to move towards a coordinated reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions.
We are working on the implementation of a mobility plan, optimization of our energy efficiency, elimination of fossil fuels, and the certification of the whole of our movements out to 10 years.
What does it mean for your company to be included in the STI Directory?
It means bringing together and raising awareness among our teams through a common project (fresque de climat), and further building on actions already undertaken in recent years (solar panels, waste management, reduction of our energy consumption, etc.)
The STI program is a realistic mechanism for aligning CSR actions already carried out and underway to the international scope of the UN program.
Not everybody has the same awareness of global warming, exemplary behaviour in the face of the climate emergency is our responsibility because in doing so we can get all our stakeholders onboard and moving towards a shared and unifying approach
What have you learned during your STI journey?
What surprised you the most? (It could be your role as a company, your employees, your best practices, your biggest obstacles, your business model…)
Thanks to the STI program, we take sustainability into account in all our processes on a daily basis
The limited and well-considered use of our resources, the preservation of the environment, the well-being and awareness of our employees: these are already at the heart of all our strategies and decisions.
Moreover, the STI program has proven to be completely compatible with our company philosophy of operational excellence.
What above all motivated you to join the Swiss Triple Impact program ?
Being able to anticipate, at the VMF level, the changes needed to achieve sustainable management of our activities. Our readiness to implement sustainable development is a guarantee of our capacity to adapt to current and future requirements
Our motivation was born from the impetus of one of our business partners, and from the desire to make even fuller use of our company values.
Given the perspective of their commitment to us, our customers rightly expect our business activities to have a positive impact on our environment. The act of purchase by an end customer is an act of commitment and endorsement that involves approval of every link of the value chain.
Jean-Noël Lefèvre CEO