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STI - Commitments

Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que Vaucher Manufacture Fleu- rier est désormais listée dans le Répertoire Swiss Triple Impact (STI)

Le répertoire STI liste les entreprises suisses qui ont pris des engagements cré- dibles pour contribuer aux Objectifs de développement durable (ODD). Devenir des STI Directory Leaders nous pousse à prendre des actions concrètes pour un future durable !

Goal 1:
Core Business, SDG 9, 12

By 2025, we fully certify half of our finished products for 10 years, based on internal eco-design protocols*, extending their service life without after-sales service or maintenance.

* Vaucher Manufacture Fleurier specifically uses the term “eco-design” to refer to “measures taken to extend the life of the product”. These certification measures, which include compliance with the REACH standard, make for high reliability and robustness of the product, simulating 10 years of normal use without failure, thus extending obsolescence, and reducing overconsumption.
Starting at 25% of finished products in 2023, by 2030 100% of our products will be certified for 10 years.

Goal 2:
Internal Operations, SDG 7, 13

By 2030, we reduce our tCO2eq emissions by 50% (Scopes 1, 2 & 3) compared to 2019 and by 2024 we commit to the Science Based Targets (SBTi) initiative*.

* Baseline 2019, 475 tCO2eq, of which 42% for commuting, 34% for heating and 5% for IT

Goal 3:
Internal Operations, SDG 3, 8

By 2030, we achieve a minimum employee satisfaction rate of 90% and obtain the Swiss Arbeitgeber Award label.

* Annual measurement of employee satisfaction by end-2023.

Goal 4:
Internal Operations, SDG 4, 13

By the end of June 2024, we train and raise awareness of 100% of our employees on ecological and sustainable behaviour.

* Minimum 3 hours of training per employee through the Fresque du Climat workshop.